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Alone Again?

Fortune Goddess has not sided on him. His fortune is about how to get a life partner. He does not have a girlfriend now. In Java, the term for this situation is jomlo. It happens many times to him. Ari Wibowo is Ira Wibowo's brother. Ira is a famous Indonesian actress.

The last time, Ari Wibowo was seen to be with a girl named Diana. He is of German - Javanese descent.

Ari Wibowo was born in Berlin, on 26th of December 1970. It is not impossible that he'll get married soon. The problem is that there has not been a woman is suitable as his soul mate. "It doesn't mean that I am not ready. It is only a matter of time. I keep on praying," said Ari Wibowo. He is a TV series actor and a model. LCR

Fortune: keberuntungan           Goddess: Dewi                           suitable: cocok  

soul mate: pasangan hidup     descent: berdarah/ keturunan     term: istilah

The Secret of Their Beauty

Sometimes when you watch TV shows, you will not sleep well after that. On the bed, you keep on wondering, why celebrities look so beautiful. Do you want to know what they secrets are? 

Julia Roberts: Do you want to have beautiful nails? Just follow her secret recipe. Wet your nails with olive oil.

Nicole Kidman: She has got red sexy hair. She washes her hair with cranberry juice.

Michelle Yeoh: She cleans her face by using lemon juice and fresh water.

Catherine Zeta Jones: Her teeth always look clean and white. She brushes her teeth with strawberry. It is the best natural whitening solution. LCR

keep on wondering: terus bertanya-tanya               secret: rahasia 

brush: menggosok             olive oil: minyak zaitun     solution: larutan


Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk General English dan Conversation

True Colors buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk Program Conversation dan General English

NorthStar buku bahasa Inggris untuk General English, SMU, serta Mahasiswa

Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP

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