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Christmas is a wonderful time. In Britain we prepare for it for many weeks before the 25th December. Signs of Christmas are in the shops from November and sometimes even October and September. It is a big holiday and it has a very long history.
There have been festivals at this time of year for about 4000 years. First, to celebrate the end of the growing season and to help the dark and cold winter pass. Then, to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Christmas trees are an important sign of Christmas. We bring the trees indoors and decorate them with shiny things, electric lights and small presents. Usually, we put a star on the top. Around the tree are bigger presents which families open together on Christmas morning.
On Christmas Day, families at home eat a big meal of turkey, potatoes and vegetables. At the start of the meal we pull pretty crackers, which make a loud noise. Inside they have paper hats and tiny presents. At the end of the meal we eat a Christmas pudding. During the day, there are also sweets, Christmas cake, and many other good things to enjoy.
Christmas is a magical time for children. Father Christmas comes to each house from the north, and he brings presents in his sleigh pulled by reindeer. He comes down the chimney in the night and leaves presents for them. Sometimes the children leave a mince pie and a drink for him. The history of this magical person began in Turkey where people told stories of a man called Nicholas who helped poor children.
Christmas is an important time for businesses. Those who sell trees, crackers, presents, and food are very busy. But many people say that Christmas today is too commercial. They think that Christmas now is very different from Christmas time in the past. People feel they must spend a lot of money to buy the right presents and the right decorations. For some, this can be a problem. Christmas is a time to be with family and friends. It is a time of peace and happiness. But people feel they must spend too much money to make Christmas as perfect as possible.
Does the need to spend a lot of money change the meaning of Christmas? Does it make people forget that this is a time of peace and joy? Maybe for some the answer is 'yes'. Preparing for Christmas is a big worry and it is a very busy time for a lot of people. For those who have no family, it can be very lonely. But, for most people it is a truly magical holiday, a time full of colour and celebration.  Penguin Dossiers
wonderful time: saat yang indah

celebrate: merayakan

decorate: menghiasi

big meal: hidangan besar

crackers: petasan

sleigh: kereta salju

reindeer: rusa kutub
chimney: cerobong asap

spend to much money: menghabiskan terlalu banyak uang

as perfect as possible: sesempurna mungkin

very lonely: begitu sepi, sunyi, sendiri


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